Best Sandwich Bread

Best Sandwich Bread

Delicious, sliceable bread, perfect for sandwiches!

3 Loaves

Let's Get Started


  • 3½ cups Organic Milk
  • ½ cup Water
  • 6 TBSP Organic Butter
  • 4½ tsp Celtic Sea Salt
  • 5 TBSP Organic Cane Sugar
  • ¼ cup Warm Water
  • 1 TBSP Dry, Active Yeast
  • 6-9 cups Organic Flour


  1. Heat Milk and Water
  2. Add Salt, Sugar & Butter
  3. Cool to lukewarm
  4. Dissolve Yeast in warm water with 1 TBSP Sugar
  5. Add Yeast/Sugar mixture to Milk/Butter mixture
  6. Add Flour and knead smooth
  7. Let rise until double in bulk – punch down
  8. Let rise again. Punch down and place in buttered bread pans
  9. Let rise until dough is reached the top of the pans
  10. Bake at 350 for 35-45 mins

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